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Greetings from the President  (2nd president)


The great love of our Lord Jesus Christ has selected those that are called by God and allowed TSNY (The Theological Seminary of NY) to produce ministers and church leaders armed with right theology and faith for over 44 years since its inception in 1978 with Dr. Kwon Oh Hyun as the first president of TSNY.


Students trained at TSNY are actively ministering in America and Korea, and some of them are actively working as missionaries in numerous countries, including China, India, Ecuador, El Salvador and the Golden Triangle (the borders of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos).


Amid the religious pluralism spreading worldwide and confusing theories and knowledge that shake the roots of the faith of Christians, TSNY is dedicated to educate and train our students with the right theology and faith so they can guide the Christians as well as atheists to God’s right, pleasing way. Our faculty and unique programs are well organized and prepared to realize this goal.


All students at TSNY receive degrees from Canada Christian College, an accredited seminary based in Toronto, Canada. In the meantime, TSNY is currently taking processes to acquire its own accreditation from the government authority, which will be realized within the next two years. TSNY spares no efforts to improve its school system and education programs, providing highly-qualified education and training programs to the students so they can acquire up-to-date right theology and knowledge that will lead Christians to the right, God’s pleasing way. 



We welcome you to join our special faculty and unique programs that will suffice your spiritual desire and goals and train you to become global spiritual leaders in the societies and global communities.


God bless you all.


Dr. Hyeun Sook Lee



President, Theological Seminary of New York

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From the president’s desk:  (3rd president)

The Word of God, Bible is inerrant and infallible. For all eternity it remains unchanging and perfect in its plenary state.

However, the theological doctrines and faith of mankind have deviated from God’s Word, deteriorating further and further over time. Non-Biblical practices and heretical interpretations prevail unchecked throughout our current Christian society.

Therefore, the fundamental imperative of our seminary is to be obedient prophets for the Biblical Truth of God, to proclaim His Word for the edification of His lost sheep. With zeal for God I undertake to accomplish this blessed mission, and in the support of our Lord Jesus Christ I trust.

Grace be unto all of you gathered here in sincere love for our Lord Jesus Christ, on this Sunday afternoon of July 24th.

   JUL  24, 2022

   Rev. Dr. Richard S. Yoon, MD, ThD, DD

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